Run Away

Running away from your problems is a race you will never win
NurNiz memang sangat setujulah dengan ungkapan di atas. NurNiz ni jenis yang suka larikan diri apabila berdepan dengan masalah. Melarikan diri dengan harapan masalah tu akan hilang ditelan bumi. Malangnya masalah tu tak akan hilang dan akan kembali menghantui NurNiz dari masa ke semasa. Perasaannya macam zaman buat tesis masa study dulu, sebab nak melarikan diri daripada tulis tesis jadi kononnya buatlah benda lain seperti shopping & tengok movie. Kalau pergi fakulti cuba elakkan diri daripada terserempak dengan supervisor. Tapi last sekali dah sampai dateline nak kena hantar terus rasa stress nak bunuh diri hahaha. Bila mengadu kepada Big Bear, Big Bear pun cadangkan daripada jadi stress & psiko melarikan & menyorokkan diri daripada masalah tu apa kata hadapi jelah masalah tu, buat sesuatu untuk atasi masalah tu. Bila terfikir betul gak kan apa yang Big Bear cakap tu. Kekadang masalah tu simple ja contohnya NurNiz kena buat sesuatu yang NurNiz tak minat. Jadi NurNiz asyik tangguhkan ja sesuatu tu. Bila tangguh datang pula masalah baru bertimbunlah ibarat sampah-sarap.

 Artikel diambil dari sini
  •  Problems are part and parcel of life - the more you run from a problem the more it will chase you.
  •  For every problem, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. The most natural course of action is to evade the problem or just wish it away, but problems, like cancers, usually stay around and spread. So, it's better to confront the situation before it becomes an emergency. 
  • A problem gets settled much before you try to tackle it. You have to “talk it out” with your friends and family members. Two minds are better than one. It does help to have more people involved in solving a problem, both for moral support and for the greater range of experience that they can bring to the problem-solving table with their outlook and personality.
Jadi marilah...

 Don't run from problems, face them!!

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